Saturday 22 March 2014

Spring of the Tiara

"You are a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do" - Downton Abbey

It is the first spring Saturday of 2014, so I overcame my laziness and went of the riverside to have breakfast. Music playing in my ears, sun shining and my body overflowing with serotonin. I love these quiet moments, when time seems to stop, the air is vibrating with optimism and all is good in the world. These are the moments I want to soak in, absorb them and put them away in jars for rainy afternoons.

After a long and stressful week this morning was the perfect reward, an escape from reality and a chance to recharge, as next week I will be crazy-busy. And this spring... This spring will be something else, alright! So buckle up, people, because I am going into one of my crazy-busy, unreasonably happy periods and I can't wait. The year of the tiara starts now, and it's going to be one for the ages! Let's see if I can check everything of my list for this year.

May you have the best weekend ever, with silly happy friends, sunshine, parties and love, any kind of love you have laying around ;)

The song that makes me dance around the house today is not necessarily an optimistic one, but I love-love-love it!

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