Saturday 22 March 2014

Spring of the Tiara

"You are a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do" - Downton Abbey

It is the first spring Saturday of 2014, so I overcame my laziness and went of the riverside to have breakfast. Music playing in my ears, sun shining and my body overflowing with serotonin. I love these quiet moments, when time seems to stop, the air is vibrating with optimism and all is good in the world. These are the moments I want to soak in, absorb them and put them away in jars for rainy afternoons.

After a long and stressful week this morning was the perfect reward, an escape from reality and a chance to recharge, as next week I will be crazy-busy. And this spring... This spring will be something else, alright! So buckle up, people, because I am going into one of my crazy-busy, unreasonably happy periods and I can't wait. The year of the tiara starts now, and it's going to be one for the ages! Let's see if I can check everything of my list for this year.

May you have the best weekend ever, with silly happy friends, sunshine, parties and love, any kind of love you have laying around ;)

The song that makes me dance around the house today is not necessarily an optimistic one, but I love-love-love it!

Sunday 16 March 2014

The strange thing that doesn't make sense

"It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." - Mark Twain
Let me start by asking the most important question: do you think that there is such a thing as absolute truth or just versions of it, as truth is different for everybody, making it a subjective concept? In a legal sense, of course, there is a truth, you are asked to speak, "the whole truth, nothing, but the truth, so help you God". But I'm asking about everyday truths, what defines our lives and reality, who we are and what we do.
Could we even live in a world where there is nothing else, just the absolute truth?

A very dear friend of mine, said a very insightful thing about the truth a long time ago, and it sticked with me, as it is the best advice I've gotten about speaking the truth: telling someone the truth only makes sense if that person can truly understand the truth he is being told. The logic behind it is, that we shouldn't tell the truth just for the sake of it, as we can do more harm than good, acting for the wrong reasons. In my opinion telling the truth just to get something off your chest and not considering how this may affect the other person, is a wrong reason.

For telling someone the truth, has the same catch as everything else in life: as Robin Scherbatsky said it in How I Met Your Mother "Timing... but timing's a bitch.". So we wait or we should wait, if it is appropriate, and time it carefully and maybe, just maybe, we get it right.

Don't get me wrong, I am vehemently against lying. There is no double standard about this, no excuses: a lie is a lie, period. But sometimes not telling the truth, the whole truth, is the best solution for the moment. And we do have to accept, that people have different understanding of what is the truth, because we are humans, and we are looking at this crazy world trough different eyes

Let's do our best to tell the truth, time it as well as we can, and hope for a favorable outcome! I really think that this is all any of us can really do: do our best

Sunday 9 March 2014

Quid pro quo

"I'd fight a bear for you. Not a grizzly. Or a brown bear. Or a panda. But maybe like a care bear? I'd fight one of those sonsabitches for you."

People are usually really good at math and economics when it comes to relationships: they invest a certain amount of time and energy waiting to get the same in return. It is logical, straight forward and simple. But, somehow, this seldom turns out to be the case, as we get less then we'd hoped for or not in the way we expected it to. And then we blame the other person, our feelings get hurt or we lose friends. My question is: should there be an equality sign in that equation? Should we get the same that we invested?

One of the most common mistake of mine is that I do make relationships an equation, I give all and expect people to do the same. As I got older and not necessarily wiser, I ended up thinking this wasn't fair: just because I am a perfectionist not everybody has to be one, a perfect friend, a perfect colleague or a perfect girlfriend. Slowly I am giving up on my idea of perfect people and trying to find out what are the flaws that I can accept and live with, and be as up front about them as possible. 

Looking as objectively as possible, I understood that I am capable of giving more in any kind of relationship than the average person, and this is not as good a thing as it seems, as I give it expecting something in return. So I am changing, because progress is more important than perfection, or at least this is what wise people say. As the last few months show, I can get to care about people without expecting anything in return, because I started accepting them for who they really are: grizzly, brown bear, panda or care bear, aka sonsabitches. How crazy is it that you can care for sonsabitches and accept them as they are: their only use being the ability to make people laugh? 

I am blessed with friends I can laugh with at crazy stories about care bears, people with whom I can't even count who invested what, for how long or how much. And these are the people worth keeping, fight the grizzlies for. The rest are just entertainment and background noise, but the laughs are priceless! And once in a while I get to meet someone, who will prove me right, that people are worth investing and fighting for, and how great is that?

Sunday 2 March 2014

Citizen of the world

"Be brave enough to live creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition." - Alan Alda
Far gone are the times, when we were meant to live in one city, be born - live - and die in the place that defined our possibilities. I lived in a few cities, far less than I wish I had, but new beginnings are the only pure things left nowadays. Starting fresh, without memories, mistakes and previous choices sounds great, doesn't it? But it's not that easy, because nobody can promise you that it's going to be better, just that it is going to be different and new. Brand spanking new!

So if you are looking for a fresh start, a clean slate, my advice would be to just pack up and go! Don't look back, build yourself that new life and know, that if this doesn't work out, you are not sentenced to live there for the rest of your life. I'm not a fan of quitting, but sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on.

I moved back to my home town 18 months ago, and it turned out better than I expected it to. I love living here, but I feel like I have to go again, start new, build from ground zero. It's like a burning desire, just telling me to try a new city, get lost on the streets, feel the joy of finding new places, meeting new people. I haven't decided when I'm going to go, or where, but it's there, among all those plans I know I have to make come true.

It's really not that hard, if you are used to packing up, leaving and feeling at home in rooms you've never seen, liking street you've never wandered on before... and mostly, if you feel there is nothing really keeping you here, in the present. No need to be melodramatic about this: it gives me the kind of freedom most people only dream about. My only questions remain: when and where to?